
The Justice School 5.24 was founded by the organization 27 Million International.

Why 27 Million?

Slavery is not a thing of the past. It is a modern phenomenon that is happening right now.

All around us, our fellow human beings are being exploited. Through this exploitation, their dignity and basic human rights to live freely are being stripped away. With a desire to change this status quo, we stand alongside grassroots organizations around the world who are on the front lines in the battle to end slavery. We offer support and training to these organizations, while also creating projects and opportunities so that everyone can make a stand in solidarity, side-by-side with modern-day slaves. Together, we hope that we will see freedom for all in our lifetime.

Our story

When Benny and Janice Yu, the founders of 27 Million International, started fighting human trafficking, they wanted something like School of Justice 5.24, but it didn’t exist yet. Years later, their desire to support and equip others working on the front lines led to the first iteration of School of Justice 5.24.

This first class was a three-week face-to-face course that took place in Brazil in 2018, followed by the second class in Mexico in 2019. In 2020, following the global pandemic, the first online iteration of School of Justice 524 took place over four weeks in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

During these first iterations of School for Justice 5.24, we realized that three weeks was not enough time to learn about justice and anti-trafficking work in all its different facets. In response to this realization, we decided to extend the class duration to better accommodate our students and their learning processes. We now have a residential school as well as an online school.